Monday, November 08, 2004

FooL4LifE9: haha phil
FooL4LifE9: is homo master
DoGgiEp0oP: serious
DoGgiEp0oP: whats up w that
FooL4LifE9: i took over his comp and ssaid funky stuff to random peoples DoGgiEp0oP: wait so that was you?
DoGgiEp0oP: who said homo master
FooL4LifE9: phil
FooL4LifE9: i was saying it for phil
DoGgiEp0oP: hahaa
DoGgiEp0oP: so he didnt say it
FooL4LifE9: yes he did
FooL4LifE9: look
FooL4LifE9: it says
FooL4LifE9: philsburydohboi
DoGgiEp0oP: i know what he said!
DoGgiEp0oP: but was that you typing
DoGgiEp0oP: but it wsa you who wrote "i am homo master"
DoGgiEp0oP: meanign phil is homo master
FooL4LifE9: yes
FooL4LifE9: yes
DoGgiEp0oP: geez why was that so hard!@!@
FooL4LifE9: i thot u were trying to trick me
FooL4LifE9: into saying that i said i was homo master
FooL4LifE9: so u cud put it in your blog
FooL4LifE9: but u cant trick me

bbysheep: hehe well u guys get to guy talk..hahah or whatever it's called DoGgiEp0oP: we call it...macho man sessions
DoGgiEp0oP: aka M&Ms
bbysheep: hahaa!
DoGgiEp0oP: do the girl ones have a cool name too
bbysheep: hmm i dont think so
bbysheep: or maybe we do..but i just dont know haha bbysheep: but i doubt it DoGgiEp0oP: thats boring
bbysheep: haha bbysheep: fine u think of one
DoGgiEp0oP: pounding men sessions
DoGgiEp0oP: aka PMS
bbysheep: HAHHAH!!

DoGgiEp0oP: ok go!
phiLsbury dohbOi: k
phiLsbury dohbOi 9:26:15
DoGgiEp0oP: DONE!@!
phiLsbury dohbOi: DUH HECK
phiLsbury dohbOi: no way
phiLsbury dohbOi: 9:29:10
phiLsbury dohbOi: 2 min, 55 sec
DoGgiEp0oP: dude my body is still wet
DoGgiEp0oP: that was the most unsatisfying shower ever

DoGgiEp0oP: me and christina were mcs
bbysheep: wht's that??
DoGgiEp0oP: like the people who are saying stuff
DoGgiEp0oP: and introducing ppl
bbysheep: ooo ic
bbysheep: oh !!
bbysheep: they mcs!!
DoGgiEp0oP: what
bbysheep: hha i know what mcs are now
bbysheep: microphones
DoGgiEp0oP: haha!

AzNriiCe01: u pretty much just trampled the rest of my self-esteem...... DoGgiEp0oP: hah sory
AzNriiCe01: never can i go look in a mirror and say, "man, u r just too sexy for ur own good"
DoGgiEp0oP: how's that different from before
DoGgiEp0oP: HAH
DoGgiEp0oP: sorry
DoGgiEp0oP: i wonder what its like to talk to myself

ch e R R y 2 4 4: haha, dont pretend like u dont kno
ch e R R y 2 4 4: im yourself
ch e R R y 2 4 4: i did that once
DoGgiEp0oP: thats not th same
DoGgiEp0oP: no you do that all the time
DoGgiEp0oP: stop being modest

cLaMMy xP: hi jack!
cLaMMy xP: do u like ur name?
DoGgiEp0oP: i love my name
cLaMMy xP: :-)thats great, u shuld spell it like jaque
cLaMMy xP: now dat loox kewl
DoGgiEp0oP: i know a girl w that name
cLaMMy xP: oo~ then u shuld make ur name like dat~ n u guys can b twins! cLaMMy xP: well..cept da fact that ur a boy
cLaMMy xP: well.. not a boy... but a man
cLaMMy xP: do u like being a man?
DoGgiEp0oP: yes i prefer being a man
cLaMMy xP: :-) thats great..
cLaMMy xP: .. are u a man?
DoGgiEp0oP: YES
cLaMMy xP: cuz i heard dat ur voice cracks alot
cLaMMy xP: dat means ur still in puberty
cLaMMy xP: puberty beings "growing -into- a man"
cLaMMy xP: but noet a man quite yet..
DoGgiEp0oP: KSEJE;dklJDL;D;l
cLaMMy xP: jaque.. it ink u need like 3 more years ;-)

DoGgiEp0oP: what up
drakeman112: wat is a good war
DoGgiEp0oP: uh idont know
DoGgiEp0oP: ww2
drakeman112: no
drakeman112: rush hour
drakeman112: war
DoGgiEp0oP: hahaha
DoGgiEp0oP: its "what is it good for"

s t e e b a r n: ajack
s t e e b a r n: i will die for you
s t e e b a r n: shows how deep my love for you is s t e e b a r n: but if we were walking together
s t e e b a r n: and someone came up with a gun
s t e e b a r n: i'd jump in front of you
s t e e b a r n: but i'd give you my kidney, liver, lung, and leg
s t e e b a r n: but not my arms or my eyes
s t e e b a r n: cause my eye is like.. bad so it'd be pointless
s t e e b a r n: even if you wanted one now
s t e e b a r n: so you could have 3 kidneys
s t e e b a r n: i'd give one to you
s t e e b a r n: and if i were a girl
s t e e b a r n: and your wife didn't wanna get pregnant but wanted kids
s t e e b a r n: i'd take your embryo in my uterus
DoGgiEp0oP: you dont know how much that means to me


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