Sunday, November 07, 2004

RIDICULUS REMARK OF THE DAY so we were playing ball at pvis as usual after church and i ask this one jr high kid to play cuz we needed someone to guard little phil. so during the break i ask him so what grade are you in and hes like '7th' and then phil goes...'guess what grade jack is' and the kid goes '...i don't 9th?' and then i died

KaiAiAi: u juz got surfed!!!!!

bbysheep: yeah upstairs is like two degrees hotter than downstairs
what the ultra precise

philsbury dohboi: u kno what
philsbury dohboi: this hot wetaher isnt so bad
DoGgiEp0oP: stuoid you better not say
DoGgiEp0oP: cuz girls wear less clothes
philsbury dohboi: HAHHAHAH
philsbury dohboi: stupid phil 2:2
DoGgiEp0oP: blog time!
philsbury dohboi: hahah
philsbury dohboi: i idnt say it
philsbury dohboi: you said it
philsbury dohboi: and i wanst gona say that
DoGgiEp0oP: well thats ok then i can blog it
philsbury dohboi: i was gonna say the modest girls wear sweaters and pants
philsbury dohboi: and i like modest girls

bbysheep: HAHAA bbysheep: WHATEVER! he doenst like modest girls

Doughster: hey jack
DoGgiEp0oP: what up baby
Doughster: haha shut up before i smash your face in =(

liddo 4g3tful: aznxtian: yeah i remember, but i don't know much cuz you never talked about it with me much
liddo 4g3tful: opz
liddo 4g3tful: hahaha
liddo 4g3tful: my bad
liddo 4g3tful: i meant
liddo 4g3tful: is ossification good?

during sunday school...
greg: how much of the world do you guys think call themselves 'christian?'
ureg: i think about 2 billion
madeline: wow! percent!@?!
tammy: that's like the whole world

xiaoruru10: u know what's funny!
DoGgiEp0oP: what@!
xiaoruru10: i always thought that ur in high school.................. for the past........ i duno how many yrs
xiaoruru10: but then i asked johnson the other day........
thats NOT funny at all!@!

ArghMan: lets go ride midget horses into the sunset
babyxfiesty: colorado has sunsets?
ArghMan: where else woudl the sun go dude
babyxfiesty: but theres no ocean?

DoGgiEp0oP: how was school today
bbysheep: it was okayy
bbysheep: i had stomache thought
DoGgiEp0oP: urmm
DoGgiEp0oP: what thought was that


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