Sunday, November 07, 2004

Day1119: hey
Day1119: i want to make it on your blog
Day1119: i want to be cool
DoGgiEp0oP: you dont talk to me enough
DoGgiEp0oP: you never im me
Day1119: if i IM you
Day1119: can i make the cut?
DoGgiEp0oP: no you ahve to funny too
Day1119: dude
Day1119: i am funny
DoGgiEp0oP: thats not convincing
Day1119: but i have a funny story nonetheless
DoGgiEp0oP: i'll give your funny story a shot
DoGgiEp0oP: go Day1119: so did you know they caught saddam?
DoGgiEp0oP: yes
Day1119: and my friend goes
Day1119: "so what are they gonna do with him?"
Day1119: "uh...kill him?"
Day1119: she goes "do they have proof that he did all those things?"
Day1119: ok that's it
Day1119: maybe it's only funny if you know her
DoGgiEp0oP: dude
DoGgiEp0oP: this story sucks
Day1119: you suck!
DoGgiEp0oP: but since i jacked you up you get to go on my blog in the "owned" category

this is FYI!!
Day1119: there's an "owned" category?
DoGgiEp0oP: well its not separated that way but
DoGgiEp0oP: ppl get blogged if....they say something funny..or..
DoGgiEp0oP: if they make horrendous typos
DoGgiEp0oP: or if they butcher the grammar
DoGgiEp0oP: or if they say something absolutely ridiculous
DoGgiEp0oP: or if they make me say something funny
DoGgiEp0oP: which includes jacking up other ppls remarks
DoGgiEp0oP: which yours fall under
Day1119: that sucks

DoGgiEp0oP: you should nevr drink heh
DoGgiEp0oP: or smoke
DoGgiEp0oP: or eat black jelly beans
bbysheep: hahha i dont want to
bbysheep: esp black jelly beans
yeah dude who the heck came up w those..most digusting thing in the universe

DoGgiEp0oP: yeah and that store cashier
Junseok: store cashier?!
DoGgiEp0oP: hah i dont kno i was hoping i could make you spill something
Junseok: hahahahah you fool
Junseok: I HATE YOU
Junseok: making stuff up
Junseok: I actually thought for a split second "omg, did I do something with some store cashier?!"
DoGgiEp0oP: hahahhaah

Winklestwinkles: gosh
DoGgiEp0oP: ?
Winklestwinkles: just stop being in taiwan
Winklestwinkles: thats just dumb

DoGgiEp0oP: i cant believe im graduatinng soon
HeavenSentAnjel: haha
HeavenSentAnjel: i know, u fogey
DoGgiEp0oP: i look 16 so its ok
HeavenSentAnjel: hahaha
HeavenSentAnjel: u THINK u look 16
HeavenSentAnjel: when in fact u look 12

DoGgiEp0oP: whatup!@!
Winklestwinkles: PISH POSh
DoGgiEp0oP: why!
Winklestwinkles: 4 icky tests tomorrow
Winklestwinkles: 10 hours of hw
Winklestwinkles: to finish
DoGgiEp0oP: uh yeah!
DoGgiEp0oP: thats quite a lot
Winklestwinkles: yea
Winklestwinkles: its like
Winklestwinkles: a pile of diarrhea mixed with rotten tomatoes sauce and rotten eggs for decoration with mold growing of the top of the barfed out cherries on top

ange lin 183: HEYY
ange lin 183: i LOVE black jelly beans!
ange lin 183: they're so good
DoGgiEp0oP: DUDE YOU ARE A FREAK1!@@!@!!
ange lin 183: DUDE YOU ARE SUCK!
ange lin 183: they're awesome
ange lin 183: and its the best since no one else likes them
ange lin 183: ergo i get them all
DoGgiEp0oP: you like black jelly beans AND you say ergo@!@!# KAJSDJFALSFKFJFKJJ;KSJFALFJALF D

DoGgiEp0oP: hello!
DoGgiEp0oP: merry christmas
LiLBobDoG2: merry your mofo
uh unexpected

DoGgiEp0oP: you have to see my dog here
DoGgiEp0oP: she doesnt like to play w ppl
DoGgiEp0oP: tho
DoGgiEp0oP: like she runs away
ArghMan: aw thats gay you should kick her when she runs away
ArghMan: so she learns to come back

lohan570: arent you in taiwan?
lohan570: im in taiwan!@!
DoGgiEp0oP: really!/
DoGgiEp0oP: where?
lohan570: no
lohan570: im not in taiwan
lohan570: you are arent you?

DoGgiEp0oP: hey
lvdfrst: yes
DoGgiEp0oP: i have a proposal
lvdfrst: yes lvdfrst: i will
lvdfrst: or i do
lvdfrst: haha

trustnHim012: new years resolutions?
DoGgiEp0oP: get buff?
DoGgiEp0oP: in the spirit
trustnHim012: hahaha
trustnHim012: and drunk too?
DoGgiEp0oP: yes!@
trustnHim012: buce
DoGgiEp0oP: hmm
DoGgiEp0oP: i think it would be to labor more
trustnHim012: how? youre a guy

philsbury dohboi: brb im so hungry
DoGgiEp0oP: k
philsbury dohboi: nm
philsbury dohboi: ill go later
philsbury dohboi: hehe
DoGgiEp0oP: hah
DoGgiEp0oP: lazy
philsbury dohboi (03:03:07): no cuz im talking to hot gilrs
DoGgiEp0oP (03:03:09): why did some cute girl ocme online for you to talk to
philsbury dohboi: is ther an echo in here
phil and i have achieved philippians 2:2!!

to be fair to angela....
ArghMan: oh im um reading your blog
ArghMan: and im gonna have to agree with angela on the black jellybean thing
ArghMan: they're positively delightful, and what makes them even more delightful is the fact that other people simply can't stand them, so they always stammer "Trevor, oh Trevor, won't you please free me of the burden of these black jellybeans?"
ArghMan: and to them i reply stoutly: "Sure thing my friend."
ArghMan: Now THATS a good deal.

DoGgiEp0oP: and theres this street that has all these puppies
DoGgiEp0oP: they are pretty expensive
bbysheep: ooh..arent dogs expensive in general??
bbysheep: like my neighbor has a dog that someboyd gave to them..and they dont take care of that dog at all
bbysheep: it's always like dirty looking..and it looks like it has fleas
DoGgiEp0oP: hah how do those 2 things relate

DoGgiEp0oP: i totally have senoritis
Nine 2 hooK: HAHAHAH
Nine 2 hooK: i thought you said
Nine 2 hooK: senoritas for a sec
DoGgiEp0oP: HAH
DoGgiEp0oP: i have those too
Nine 2 hooK: HAHAHA

philsbury dohboi: lets go gouge out each ohters eyes
philsbury dohboi: i do it for 2 reasons
philsbury dohboi: girls and sawing richards butt


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