Monday, May 28, 2007

hehe taboo fun at memorial day picnic!

card: cab
madeline: this is something you take for transportation
tammy: subway!
madeline: its a shorter word
tammy: sub!

card reader: country that is down south of US..and they speak portugese
me: Spain!@!

card reader: this is a watery drink you consume
madeline: water!@!

card reader: this is what people want to do to president bush!
greg: confiscate him!@

Thursday, May 24, 2007

doggiep0op: hello
liddo4g3tful: jack!!
liddo4g3tful: hahaha
doggiep0op: whats funny?
liddo4g3tful: iono
liddo4g3tful: ur a funny looking guy
liddo4g3tful: even when ur online