Wednesday, December 29, 2004

From an email i got....
"gimme a call or email cuz my cell might run out of batteries and i can't recharge it cuz my uncle's bird ate the charger."
i didn't know they sold teradactyls as pets

philsbury dohboi: HOW THE HECK DOEST HT AHPANE!#!#
philsbury dohboi: i bet
philsbury dohboi: she made it up
philsbury dohboi: cuz she donst wnat to see u
DoGgiEp0oP: that sukcks
philsbury dohboi: itsl ike one of those spur of hte moment excuses
philsbury dohboi: "uh yeah.....i cant cuz uh....well...the bird ....kinda....ate my phone charger bye!@#"

Sunday, December 26, 2004

macod0shus: gifts?
DoGgiEp0oP: pda heh
DoGgiEp0oP: i dont know what to use it for
macod0shus: hahahaah
DoGgiEp0oP: but
macod0shus: u mean the elctronic rite
DoGgiEp0oP: oh well
macod0shus: i thought u meant
DoGgiEp0oP: HAH
macod0shus: public display of affection
DoGgiEp0oP: i got those too
macod0shus: HAHAHA
macod0shus: DIRTY!
macod0shus: ha i know nothign about pdas
macod0shus: both kinds

Wednesday, December 22, 2004

stickEpoop: hey, any cheap dvds?
stickEpoop: over there?
DoGgiEp0oP: urm vcds?
DoGgiEp0oP: i think they are burned
stickEpoop: are they good quality though?
DoGgiEp0oP: urm
DoGgiEp0oP: i dont know
DoGgiEp0oP: why do you want something
stickEpoop: well, if it's really cheap
DoGgiEp0oP: any dvds you have in mind?
stickEpoop: do they have Mean Girls?
stickEpoop: or Princess Diaries?
DoGgiEp0oP: dude
stickEpoop: haha
DoGgiEp0oP: i will not buy those
stickEpoop:'s for [my gf]