Wednesday, November 10, 2004

DoGgiEp0oP: so a lot of ppl has asked me this since i put it on my blog
DoGgiEp0oP: when do the gonads descend
nanclee728: lets see, i believe they're supposed to descend prior to birth
nanclee728: like in the 3 trimester
nanclee728: cause during the 2 and 3 is when all the stuff starts moving down to the scrotum
nanclee728: HOWEVER
nanclee728: testes sometimes are "undescended" and down descend til after birth
nanclee728: sometimes they don't even descend by the time your 6
nanclee728: so then you have to have surgery
nanclee728: cause it increases your chances of having cancer
nanclee728: the proper name for undescended testicles is:
nanclee728: crytorchidism (or cryptorchism)
DoGgiEp0oP: ah thank you

so now...getting kicked in the nuts will be refered to as crytochidism-smash


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